We take seriously our responsibility to teach our children what it means to follow in the way of Jesus.
We know our children by name.
We consider each child’s needs and interests as we plan educational activities.
We provide opportunities for active participation in worship services.
We engage our children in mission and service activities.
We love playing outdoors. Recently we installed a new playground for our children and the children in the neighborhood. We are always on the lookout for ways to incorporate the woods and trails and being with creation into our activities.
Time for Children
Every 11AM Worship Service includes a Time for Children. The Pastor, or one of the Kirk’s leaders, discusses with the children an issue related to the worship that day. It is a time to acknowledge that children need to hear an understandable message for them.
Sunday Morning Learning
From 9:45 – 10:30 each Sunday we provide an educational experience for children and youth. There is always a theme; sometimes we talk about relevant issues, other times we are exploring a Biblical story or concept. We use art, drama, storytelling, science, and nature to enhance discussion and understanding of God’s work in our lives.
Worship Leadership: People of all ages, including children, participate actively in leading worship, from reading the Scripture to taking Communion to singing. We love children in worship!